We like to think that all of you in the HEAT fam are loving your time in camps here. I mean, why else would you come?! Sometimes we don't quite know how much you are loving it. That's why when we get letters/emails, like the one we are going to share with you today, we are through the roof with excitement!

HEAT family, meet Jess. She went from expecting to only stop by and try ONE camp, to full fledge LOVING camps! Here it is in Jess's words:

I wanted to share a bit of personal testimonial and sincere appreciation for what you all do at HEAT.

When I walked into HEAT in mid-December, my plan was only to try one class. I was already very active, pretty fit, and exercised most days—but was convinced that this was not the type of workout for me. There were two things that had me convinced of this. First, I had severely broken my ankle about 1 ½ years earlier (and when I say “broke my ankle,” what I really mean is my foot was severed and barely attached by a few tendons). I had been in physical therapy twice weekly for almost a year afterward—and, by this point, I was fairly sure I had reached the peak in regaining ankle strength and mobility. 

Secondly, I’ve lost 170 pounds since late 2015, after having been overweight all of my life. Overtime, I had pushed past my anxieties about fitness— but was definitely afraid that I would not have the strength for the level of intensity in a bootcamp class (or, really, that I would ever have a body that would cooperate with this type of workout).

Well, needless to say—I was wrong. I’ve been coming to HEAT regularly for more than 4 months now and I feel fabulous after every camp. To my absolute amazement, my ankle is building strength and mobility. Compared to when I started, I can balance much longer on one leg and get much further into a squat without my heel lifting. I am training for the Nashville Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon on April 28th and, since starting at HEAT, I feel so much stronger when I run. And as an added bonus, I have moved past a weight loss plateau and starting chipping away at the few more pounds I have to lose. 

None of this would have happened if I hadn’t made the choice to challenge my body in new ways. And I would never have made that choice without HEAT! From the first camp I attended, Cody R. made me feel so welcome. I have come to appreciate attending camp where I know that Danny will check in to see if I need modifications for my ankle; Sarah will give me tips to improve my form and remind us that change happens when we push through discomfort; and Greg will make sure we get the best high fives. I feel challenged every time. I feel exhausted every time. I feel impressed that I made it until the end—every single time.

I cannot thank y’all enough for everything that you do!
