Member Spotlight - "Annie"

You've heard us tell you that HEAT Bootcamps are more than just a workout, well today we're passing the mic off to one of the HEAT family! Annie is a member at the HEAT SoFi location in Austin, and has been coming to HEAT for over nine months now. She is getting great results! When Annie posted her progress pics on social media, we asked if she would like to share her success with ALL of the HEAT fam, and she said YES!

We asked Annie a few questions about her time here, and this is what she shared with us...

- How long have you been part of the HEAT familia?
I started working out at Heat in February of 2016, did (a) nutrition consultation in March or April of 2016.

- What made you choose HEAT?
So, my boyfriend and I used to eat at this biscuits and gravy food truck in the area next to Heat like every other Sunday. I would walk across the parking lot to get coffee for us, and I would see these incredibly fit looking, sweaty, happy people walking out of Heat. Also, I now know her as Tanya, but I remember specifically seeing Tanya walking across the parking lot and being like "DAMN. where does she work out and how can I copy everything she does?" And surprise, she walked into Heat. After months of debating, I finally googled Heat, emailed Cody and he responded immediately with answering the questions I had. He informed me of good "beginner" classes to take and I was really surprised with how quickly he responded. 

- What were your main goals when you started?
When I started working out I just wanted to feel better about myself. I was so lazy and inactive, which is not my M.O. I gained a ton of weight after moving to Austin from Chicago (I blame breakfast tacos) and my clothes were not fitting me, so I really just wanted to not have to buy bigger clothes. My goals were really small: fit into my clothes, gain some self-esteem.

- What changes have you noticed?
When I used to put my pants on, everything was tight. The waistband was tight, my legs were tight, everything was uncomfortable I have dropped at least one full pant size and I feel amazing. My self-esteem is generally better than when I wasn't working out. I eat better, I prepare meals ahead of time, I plan in workouts and schedule my time around workouts rather than work (for the most part). Overall, I have definitely lost fat. I wish I had taken before pictures of my "bat wings" because I really don't have wings anymore! I love love LOVE feeling strong. I used to want to be skinny, and now I want to be strong. 

- What is your favorite camp and why?
I love total body camps. Every instructor I have taken at Heat provides amazing total body work outs. I feel so strong after doing one of those, and that feeling sticks with me for the whole day. I like getting to do so many different workouts at once, it's challenging and exciting. I am never bored during a total body workout. 

- What are you current fitness goals?
Current fitness goals: I want to do one completely unassisted pull up. All the way up from the ground, no jumping, just me. Also, I am training for a half-marathon and want to set a new PR hitting 2 hours. 
Also, I can't lie: I've been slacking on my workouts lately, and I definitely feel and see a difference. Luckily, I have my Heat family, my nutrition knowledge, and meal planning to fall back on when life gets busy. My grad school schedule is somewhat irregular, so another goal I have is to up my workouts to 2x a week (before I started grad school I was definitely a 3-4x a week visitor).

- What is your favorite thing about HEAT?
I love how the trainers have gotten to know me and know what I am capable of doing in my workouts. I really feel like I am getting attention and supervision in group workouts. I worked with Sarah on nutrition planning and goal setting and working with her was when I started seeing a big difference in my body. When they say abs are made in the kitchen, they are not lying. I can't say enough about the nutrition counseling sessions and check-ins. Heat has made me feel strong, given me confidence, and shown me that I can do difficult things.