Workout Of the Week - "Aftermath of the Fourth"

What’s up guys and gals, Jenn here.  Hope y'all had a great fourth. We are gonna keep this simple, but of course hard AF. 
The workout is simple. 50 reps of all exercises. Yah know, for the 50 states. 
Record your time and try and beat it next year. 
Remember to hydrate. 

How Long: 1 hour time cap  

What You'll Need: Body weight, water, mat, box, pull up bar 

The warm up:
5 Minute Run/Jog then move immediately into the workout. Think of this as a prerequisite into the workout. 

The Workout:
50 Squats
50 Pushups
50 V Ups
50 Box Jumps
50 Pull ups
50 Burpees
50 Jump Lunges
50 Walking Lunges
50 Squat Jumps
50 Crunches
5 x 100 meter sprints