Workout Of the Week - "Fast and Furious!"

Hello there HEAT fam! Lil Sarah here with the next HEAT WOW. We are going to work furiously for three 10 minute sets this week. The goal is to keep working for the entire 10 minute set. What that means, is you will have to find a challenging pace that you can keep working at. This is not a sprint, but get in as many rounds as you can!

On your mark, get set, let's go!

What you'll need: KB, DB, maybe a mat.

How long: Three 10 minute sets, with rest in between.

Set #1:

30 high knees
10 push-ups
30 bicycles
20 star jacks
20 DB lunges

Set #2: 

30 KB swings
20 goblet squats
10 chest press
20 Russian twists
30 press jacks

Set #3:

20 DB snatch (Dbl if you can, single if that’s too much…)
20 plank rows
20 sit-up to press
20 weighted lateral lunges