Hey there, HEAT family! This month’s member spotlight comes from our San Marcos studio. Everybody, meet Maria M. : )

Maria joined the HEAT family in May of this year, shortly after we opened our doors. Since day 1, Maria has been a shining example of positivity and hard work. Here’s how Maria describes here time at HEAT:

~ Where did your love of fitness start?

“My love of fitness came when my son introduced me to the running world. He ran cross-country throughout high school, and we used to run on weekends. Then, I took it to another level. I began to run 1/2 marathons, full marathons and 1 Ultra marathon. He tells me he created a monster.”

~ When/how did you hear about HEAT?

“A friend of mine introduced me to HEAT Bootcamp back in May. I had been going through a divorce, and I lost all motivation. I needed a place where I could go to leave the stress of it all behind. I loved my first day so much I said “Sign me up!” Gym time became my therapy time. I drive from Seguin to San Marcos just to workout , so that tells you something! This place is amazing!”

~ What does exercise mean to you?

“Exercise means so much to me. Staying healthy and fit has given me so much time together with my 23 year old son and my 16 year old daughter. I get to run races with my son, and I get to hike and play tennis with my daughter. It’s a great feeling to be able to share these moments with them. This has become a lifestyle for me.”

~ Is there anything else you’d like to tell your fellow campers?

“I am a 44 year old woman who is beginning a new journey in life. In March I hit a wall. My marriage of 24 yrs had ended, a divorce quickly followed, and everything changed for me. I had to learn to adjust to this new life quickly. Through the process I lost all self-motivation, lost my love and passion for running, and gained a few pounds. My self esteem was at it’s lowest, but I did not give up. I recently changed a few things in my life, and the results are wonderful. I finally feel like my life is getting back on track. Thank you HEAT Bootcamp for being there when I needed it the most, and for helping me with my future goals : )”

We hope that Maria’s story will help you or someone you know to remember that the HEAT fam is about support in the good times and the bad. We’re so happy to have you with us, Maria!

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