What really sets HEAT apart from all of the other studios? Our community of people! We have such an amazing crew that works out here, it can be hard to choose who to spotlight next. With Caity and Bree that choice was easy. They have been KILLING IT in camps and they do it together a lot of days. Now you can hear their story too…

HEAT: How did you find / hear about HEAT?

Caity: I was recommended to HEAT by a friend who is a member & saw HEAT was available on ClassPass so Bree and I tried it out.

HEAT: What were your expectations coming in?

Bree: I had no set expectations. I assumed it would be hard. I almost died the first time, But I am glad that I came back.

Caity: My expectations were to get a good workout in but I was surprised at just how good the workout was!

HEAT: What changes have you noticed since working out at HEAT?

Bree: I feel over all stronger, I have more energy at the end of the day. I tend to be more positive. When I first started to work out I dreaded going, but, as time when on, HEAT has become one of the highlights of my week.

Caity: I have increased my strength with weights & endurance. Also my bod looks pretty good too, lol!

HEAT: Do you have any goals moving forward?

Caity: I really want to continue increasing in weights and just to keep pushing myself.

Bree: My goals are to continue coming every week and pushing myself. I want to take care of my body and mind. HEAT does that for me.

HEAT: What’s your favorite thing about HEAT?

Caity: My favorite part about heat is having such a motivational and supportive group of friends to workout with!

Bree: I love the people and the energy. Even on days where I am not feeling it, I always leave satisfied and in a good mood!

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