Workout Of the Week - "BodyWeight Basics"

Hey hey HEAT fam, it’s Coach Seth back with a Workout Of the Week for you. This week we are keeping it all bodyweight, so you can get in that workout on vacation, or at home with some free time. You won’t need anything at all for this workout, besides a positive attitude 😉

Your Beautiful Body

For this workout, it’s all going to be very basic. So for the warmup I want you to go through one round of the circuit I have planned for you, at a much slower pace, focusing on full range of motion over a fast pace.

Once you have completed the first round I want you to give me 5 rounds as quickly as possible with as little rest as you can maintain. The only rest I want you to purposely take is 60 seconds between each round. You will do 20 reps of each exercise.

V Ups
Pike Shoulder Taps (20ea side)
Jump Lunges (20ea side)
MTN Climbers (20ea side)